Welcome dear Soul

Ready to start your journey back to your true nature?


Healing with Nature (explore 1 month for free)

Full year online course for balance, joy & flow as well as better health, relationships and prosperity.

Join the course to rebalance, gain clarity and heal while boosting your personal, spiritual and professional growth. 

Step in any time

Shamanic Systemic Healing

Free yourself from old stories, patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you. Release inherited pain from family and ancestors to restore the connection with your body, mind and soul. Connect with your spirit guides.

In Amsterdam or online

Nabrita Shop filled with Healing Products

Whether it is a Shamanic Systemic Healing of your personal Energy fields, your Family and Ancestor line, the Healing with Nature online year course, our Aura Spray or the 2024 Calendar, it is all infused with our
Love, Light and Lightness.



Nabrita Calendar 2024 Healing with Nature

Our limited edition Celtic Calendar includes the Celtic Year Wheel with overview of monthly Plant & Animal Guides from the Healing with Nature course.

Bonus: Celtic Festivals and Ancient Northern European traditions to celebrate life.

Plus New & Full Moon 

Nabrita Happy Aura spray

Immediate release of negativity, bringing lightness, clarity, focus, peace and harmony. Quick solution to clear auras, home or work space from heavy energies. A wonderful addition to healing sessions &  rituals.

Including crystal and love codes 

Nabrita Events, Circles and Retreats

We would love to meet and guide you during one of our Healing events, retreats, rituals, healing circles and online Masterclasses. Check our upcoming events, gatherings and walk-in consultations. Come by to get a hug and lots of love.

