Shamanic Systemic Healing

Free yourself from old stories


Would you like to get unstuck without getting entangled in the story or re-living it again? Free yourself of thoughts and judgements that no longer serve you? Release patterns of your family and ancestors line while restoring the connection with the power and resources of your own Soul, your energy system and your guides?

Our Shamanic Systemic Healings are pure and profound while being light and safe. We are totally in love with this healing method as it does not require to re-experience or reconnect deeply with shadow and pain. Even after performing many of these healings with different people and themes, online and in-person, and we can’t get enough of the magical experiences and deep transformations this type of healing creates every single time.

This healing method…

  • offers profound transformation and healing in a light way
  • works at the root cause of your problems
  • is based on the fact that you are already whole and all you need is already present
  • focusses on all the resources you already have and strenghtens your power
  • reconnects you with the love and strength in your energy fields, inner child, family, ancestors, archetypes, elements, your Higher Self, Source, spirits of plants and animals and more you can imagine. 
  • works in all the energy systems you have and are part of: physical, etherical, mental, emotional, soul, family, ancestors, spiritual.


 Feel empowered, light, in flow, centered and closer to your true nature.

    Shamanic Systemic Healing

    This healing method grew organically as is the case with all we do.

    The basis is Systemic Ritual®️, a shamanic variant of systemic constellation work developed by Daan van Kampenhout. He specialised in shamanism early in his life and got acquainted with the work of Bert Hellinger, Family Constellations, during the 90’s. Systemic Ritual®️ uses representatives like guides, archetypes, totem animals and spirits like that of motherhood.

    It focusses on the elements, resources and strengths of you as  person and opens you up for what supports you and is already there. It also brings in help from guides outside of you.

    There are many different types of Rituals depending on the theme you are dealing with.

    We added our own personal touch, following our intuition, by combining it with elements of our Healing with Nature Year Course and different healing sources like our teams of guides, stones and oracle cards and what we feel is needed for the specific theme you are dealing with.

    And as everything we offer, our Shamanic Systemic Healings are based on pure unconditional love and lightness.


    Feeling stuck or not fully present because of emotions that are difficult to feel and let go off. Or emotions and traumas of your parents or other ancestors that you inherited. Often also re-lived in former lives.

    Examples are fear, anger, sadness, grief, feeling stuck, loneliness, needing to be strong, solving things on your own, not allowing yourself to feel, living from your head, too much responsibility, boundaries, physical pain, feelings of abandonement, not feeling seen or heard, feeling unworthy, guilt, shame.

    A few type of healings (there are more)

    1. Physical Healing: Healing the 5 energy bodies:
          physical, etherical, emotional, mental, soul
    2. Mental Healing: Healing of your mental field with
          totem animal
    3. Restorative Family Healing
    4. Soul Retrieval


    Depending on the type of Shamanic Systemic Healing we offer these extras:
    Drawings, rituals to do at home, oracle cards, altar. 


    Let’s get started!

    Before we start your healing journey we meet on Zoom for an intake. It allows us to get to know each other, to hear about your challenge and your healing wishes. And of course, we will answer all your questions and propose a suitable constellation for your personal healing.

    If there is a match on both sides, we then plan the Healing session, either online or onsite in Amsterdam. A Shamanic Systemic Healing session takes 2 hours with the both of us (equals 4 healing sessions of personal 1:1 healing).

    Our live sessions, also include water, tea and some delicious treats so that you can fully enjoy your healing journey, the experience and insights while integrating the energetic shift in your personal field.

    Please book your intake by filling out this form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
    We are looking forward to meeting you and hearing what you long for.

    Sending you love and light,

    Britta & Nathasja 

    How others experienced these Healings

    Thank you again for creating and holding the space to allow this courage and trust, I felt very safe to open up. There have indeed been some positive effects since, mainly the feeling of expansion. I feel as though I am getting closer and closer to really being able to embody the energy I hold, into the work I want to bring to world. Something was tapping to be opened up during that session and it was really exciting! I am still yet to discover what was in the treasure chest I had the vision of, but I think that will come in good time!



    I was unable to focus on what I really wanted. I felt so stuck in my life and could not continue my education without knowing why. During the short and light healing Nathasja and Britta offered me I saw colours and felt slight tickling and releases. Afterwards I was tired but lighter. A lot of weight just fell of my shoulders. I loved the drawings they gave me, a great memory and reminder to see what was cleansed and activated. Now my education is going in a flow. Making choices is easy and I feel so happy. Thank you ladies! I’ll be back.


    Nathasja and Britta gave me such a pleasant, soft Shamanic Systemic Healing session. I felt held and my energy balance has been restored. A lovely healing experience.


    ‘Thank you so much. I felt so much happening and moving in my body, energy in a soft way. It was such a great experience to be held by two beautiful women/souls.
